The Cowboy and the Queen
A film by Andrea Blaugrund Nevins
w/ Queen Elizabeth II & Monty Roberts

Rated NR
1hr 25min

Monty Roberts, a nonviolent horse trainer who rejected traditional "breaking" methods, forms an unlikely friendship with Queen Elizabeth II. Bonding over their shared love for animals, they overcome Monty's doubters to broadcast his gentle approach globally. From Academy Award Nominee Andrea Nevins, this uplifting film shows how trust can build a better world for both horses and humans.

"A stirring portrait of the 32-year friendship between a sensitive horse trainer from California and the queen of England as they bond over horses and change each other’s lives."
Charles Johnston
Spectrum Culture

"Roberts and the documentary are something to be admired and cherished."
Christopher Campbell

"Thrives by virtue of its authenticity, sincerity, and the undeniable chemistry of its two central figures, but it also gives viewers more than a mere tale of unlikely friendship."
Emily DuGranrut
In Review Online

Closed caption and hearing devices are available upon request.
Mon Feb 17
Tickets On Sale Soon

The Cowboy and the Queen A film by Andrea Blaugrund Nevins
w/ Queen Elizabeth II & Monty Roberts

Rated NR
1hr 25min

Monty Roberts, a nonviolent horse trainer who rejected traditional "breaking" methods, forms an unlikely friendship with Queen Elizabeth II. Bonding over their shared love for animals, they overcome Monty's doubters to broadcast his gentle approach globally. From Academy Award Nominee Andrea Nevins, this uplifting film shows how trust can build a better world for both horses and humans.

"A stirring portrait of the 32-year friendship between a sensitive horse trainer from California and the queen of England as they bond over horses and change each other’s lives."
Charles Johnston
Spectrum Culture

"Roberts and the documentary are something to be admired and cherished."
Christopher Campbell

"Thrives by virtue of its authenticity, sincerity, and the undeniable chemistry of its two central figures, but it also gives viewers more than a mere tale of unlikely friendship."
Emily DuGranrut
In Review Online
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