A Star Is Born (1976)
A film by Frank Pierson
w/ Barbra Streisand, Kris Kristofferson, Gary Busey

Rated R
2hr 19min

Presented as part of the Violet Underground Monthly Music Film Series. 

A rock star on the decline, John Norman Howard has given in to drugs and excessive drinking, and his music has suffered as a result. Wandering into a club one night, John watches singer Esther Hoffman perform and is smitten. The two begin dating, and soon John lets Esther take the spotlight during his concerts. However, even as Esther finds fame and success with her singing, John continues his downward spiral.

"Gloriously over the top, lurid, self-obsessed; it's no surprise I've developed a liking for this. Kristofferson absolutely holds the narrative together, bringing a sense of realism even within this crazy world; Streisand's performances are show-stopping."
Sarah Cartland
Caution Spoilers

"I swear, I meant to roll my eyes; yet as the stage lights faded and swelled, I found myself starting to cry instead."
Sydney Wegner
Film Freak Central

Closed caption and hearing devices are available upon request.
Mon Feb 17
Tickets On Sale Soon

A Star Is Born (1976) A film by Frank Pierson
w/ Barbra Streisand, Kris Kristofferson, Gary Busey

Rated R
2hr 19min

Presented as part of the Violet Underground Monthly Music Film Series. 

A rock star on the decline, John Norman Howard has given in to drugs and excessive drinking, and his music has suffered as a result. Wandering into a club one night, John watches singer Esther Hoffman perform and is smitten. The two begin dating, and soon John lets Esther take the spotlight during his concerts. However, even as Esther finds fame and success with her singing, John continues his downward spiral.

"Gloriously over the top, lurid, self-obsessed; it's no surprise I've developed a liking for this. Kristofferson absolutely holds the narrative together, bringing a sense of realism even within this crazy world; Streisand's performances are show-stopping."
Sarah Cartland
Caution Spoilers

"I swear, I meant to roll my eyes; yet as the stage lights faded and swelled, I found myself starting to cry instead."
Sydney Wegner
Film Freak Central

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