Donnie Darko
A film by Richard Kelly
w/ Jake Gyllenhaal, Jena Malone, Mary McDonnell

Rated R
1hr 53min

In a funny, moving and distinctly mind-bending journey through suburban America, one extraordinary but disenchanted teenager is about to take Time's Arrow for a ride. After surviving a freak accident, Donnie (Jake Gyllenhaal) begins to explore what it means to be alive, and in short order to be in love, he uncovers secrets of the universe that give him a tempting power to alter time and destiny.

"As pop as it is arthouse, as funny as it is tragic, Donnie Darko remains a remarkable one-off that's easy to adore."
Jamie Dunn
The Skinny

"An incredibly fascinating, star-making film that never fails to intrigue."
R.L. Shaffer

Closed caption and hearing devices are available upon request.
Sun Mar 23

Donnie Darko A film by Richard Kelly
w/ Jake Gyllenhaal, Jena Malone, Mary McDonnell

Rated R
1hr 53min

In a funny, moving and distinctly mind-bending journey through suburban America, one extraordinary but disenchanted teenager is about to take Time's Arrow for a ride. After surviving a freak accident, Donnie (Jake Gyllenhaal) begins to explore what it means to be alive, and in short order to be in love, he uncovers secrets of the universe that give him a tempting power to alter time and destiny.

"As pop as it is arthouse, as funny as it is tragic, Donnie Darko remains a remarkable one-off that's easy to adore."
Jamie Dunn
The Skinny

"An incredibly fascinating, star-making film that never fails to intrigue."
R.L. Shaffer
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