A film by Riley Samuel Merritt
w/ Riley Samuel Merritt
Rated NR
1hr 30min
“TRUNK” by Riley Samuel Merritt is an interactive one-man show that narrates the trials of a young artist circumnavigating his imminent demise. Through the use of poetry, music, and years of cumulative writing, Merritt grapples with the nebulous nature of ambition, love, and identity through the eyes of a flawed everyman.
Closed caption and hearing devices are available upon request.
A film by Riley Samuel Merritt
w/ Riley Samuel Merritt
Rated NR
1hr 30min
“TRUNK” by Riley Samuel Merritt is an interactive one-man show that narrates the trials of a young artist circumnavigating his imminent demise. Through the use of poetry, music, and years of cumulative writing, Merritt grapples with the nebulous nature of ambition, love, and identity through the eyes of a flawed everyman.
4 Hours of Parking Validation included w/ Ticket Purchase